Título do Site Poesia&prosa

O que tens de diferente,tens de bonito!


Please Save Them From Unhuman Act Of Israel..... Both Of Them Are Human.... They Are Not Alien From Outer Space.... They Are Human.... Have Same Colour Of Blood Like All Human In The World.... Maybe The Baby Is Crying For Some Milk From Her Mother..... Whats Wrong With The Humanity..... Why United State.... Why United Nation..... Why Arab World.... Please Be A Human For Them.... Please Have Mercy On Them....

"Sorriso desbotado!"

Rosto embaçado
Sorriso desbotado
Coração triste
Aguardando as festas
Receberão migalhas!

Maria Augusta da Silva Caliari
Enviado por Maria Augusta da Silva Caliari em 05/12/2018


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