Título do Site Poesia&prosa

O que tens de diferente,tens de bonito!


With angels, demons, humans, and literally everything in between, there is little left of the world we had come to know. Fights between species, within species, between families and strangers alike. So much has been lost in chaos that only one question remains-what great weight brought Heaven to the ground, and what exactly lifted Hell up? Is there a greater power, looking to destroy the world as a whole? Or is something else going on?
"As lágrimas escorrem!"

Olhos fechados
As lágrimas escorrem
Soltam maquiagem
Minha boca ferida
Dor que  ora transpassa!
Maria Augusta da Silva Caliari
Enviado por Maria Augusta da Silva Caliari em 08/12/2018


Site do Escritor criado por Recanto das Letras